Friday, June 4, 2010

Makin' Hay

It's just ticked over into Winter here, which in WA can often mean clear skies, offshore days and 20 degree weather. I've taking advantage of the conditions and have been out 6 times this week. Summer is always such a frustrating swell-drought ridden time, so now I'm making hay while the sun shines... Images from my GoPro (birthday present last year!) Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were uncrowded and absolutely magic down at Isolators. Just the right balance of tide and swell. By Wednesday people had cottoned on and there was a crowd, by Thursday the SWs were in.
Four frothers out at sunset...

The Bomb...

Weekend trip up to the bombing range...

It was pretty steep for us and tough getting out the back. Blair was frothing. I very nearly got barrelled which is saying something.

The place was almost deserted and we had peaks to ourselves. More goodness from the 120-400mm zoom canon...

More pics here:


We hadn't been out here before and it was big and crowded. After umming and erring for an inordinate amount of time, I decided I'd go in with Jo and James took photos. We recently got a new lens and this was a good opportunity to try out the Sigma 120-400mm!

We'll need to add some shots of Southpoint, taken by James *here*

Although it was daunting to look at, where we went out was super fat, rediculous to get on and I only caught one wave.

Wave of the day was definitely Jo's mega right!